Wildlife photography with Robin Morrison
7.30pm, Thursday 1st June – Donyatt Village Hall, nr Ilminster – all welcome
Join us for an evening of wildlife wonders with award-winning photographer, Robin Morrison.
Robin is a Somerset-based wildlife photographer who enjoys bringing his images to life through illustrated talks.
in this light-hearted evening, Robin will share the variety of wildlife that can be found in the South West of England. His talk will show the challenges, excitement and humorous side of being a wildlife photographer. He likes to show that wildlife is there for us all to see provided that we stop, look, listen and wait for wildlife to appear. Robin never gives the same talk twice! He enjoys bringing a unique experience to the audience and thoroughly enjoys the opportunity to answer questions. This talk will include a few landscape images.
Robin has had success in the British Wildlife Photography Awards, Bird Photographer of the Year, WildArt Photographer of the Year; his photographs have been seen on BBC’s Springwatch and has been chosen for the Countryfile Calendar. His work is often published in the National and Local press. You may have heard Robin live on BBC Radio Somerset or on the ITV West Country News.
Robin grew up in rural Berkshire where he learnt the key skills for successful wildlife photography; patience, anticipation and an understanding of animal behaviour. Sitting in a muddy, wet ditch watching deer, hares and everything else is all part of the fun. He has lived in South Somerset for over 20 years which has proved to be his inspiration and a wonderful location to explore the South West. He is also a volunteer with the RSPB and the Taunton Peregrine Project.
You can follow Robin on Twitter @robinmorrison
Remember to bring some cash for refreshments and the raffle – and any contributions of raffle prizes would be greatly appreciated! All proceeds go to CPRE Somerset’s work for the Somerset countryside.
All are welcome – bring a friend! Discounted admission price for CPRE members.